Steve E. ~Berkeley, Ca. 
I’m a medical professional and like many medical professionals I’ve been managing my own illness for decades. Why?
Doctors of Psychiatry should (above all other doctors) at least be 1) kind and show empathy and 2) know what they are doing. My experience has been they aren’t and they don’t. That’s why people (like me) learn to avoid them, but end up suffering without knowing what can take the pain away. Even the upper echelon academic folks I’ve seen have one view of things and that’s basically their one trick (with exceptions of course but I haven’t met the exceptions.).
Mike Kron delivers a different experience. I agree with these two women reviewers who have been seeing him for several years each and say he’s outdone their prior experiences with Psychiatry folks. He usually “goes with me” when I have my own ideas of what I’d like to try next and he really takes ownership and embellishes the plan so that it works out the best, with the least amount of side effects. He is also quick to sort out what’s going to get way worse either very quickly or get worse by sneaking up and ruining my month if I were to come off something I shouldn’t and then find myself with relapse of depression later. He’s sharp and he’s kind. He runs things off of his cellphone, which means he is accessible and he cares way more about you being able to reach him than most doctors with layers of help to keep you from seeing more than their face only when you meet them and then only see their signature on the rx’s that you have to get from their MA’s or RN’s. I have a similar approach to Mike’s since I also like hearing if a patient has a question or a need before it becomes a problem. Honestly that heads things off before trouble and that’s the whole point, isn’t it? I’m keeping this doc and I don’t mind sharing.