Penny B. ~Oakland, Ca. 
I guess you could call me an academic snob. Whenever I am looking for a physician I spend a great deal of time looking for the Best there is; in this case I was searching for a psychiatrist for my husband. I wasn’t just going to throw him out to the wolves (because it’s happened before), so I googled “best psychiatrist in San Francisco” and up came Dr. Kron.
I wasn’t done yet…..then I scoured his credentials to make sure he went to a top notch school because not just anyone can get into these institutions right? Next, I was determined to find out about his effectiveness and read numerous comments on several websites. Hmmmm, maybe it’s me that should go see Dr. Kron.
Anyway, we (my husband and myself) are uber excited about Dr. Kron. He has an amazing bedside manner, is soft spoken, gentle, compassionate and very approachable. Best of all, my husband likes him and doesn’t mind going for his visits which in the past was an issue (BTW he is doing so much better).
I recommend Dr. Kron without reservation and hope that he is still accepting new patients so you can be as lucky as we are.