Bill S.

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Best Psychiatrist in the bay area!

I met Dr. Kron years ago when he was at kaiser in Oakland. He helped me when no one else was able to. Then my employer switched to Aetna and I was not able to see him again.

I went through so many Doctors one that was on probation with the medical board left me hanging when he closed and didn’t tell his patients a thing. I recently learned that Dr. Kron switched to private practice and I was excited to see him.

Unfortunately he did not accept my insurance BUT referred me to several colleagues that did. Now if that doesn’t tell you what type of person he is nothing will.

I can highly recomend him. Nice person, knows his meds and is willing to work hard for you. Thank’s Dr. Kron for everything you have done for me.


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Compassionate, knowledgeable Dr who actually listens!

Dr. Kron literally saved my life by finding the right combination of meds for my sensitive system. I’d gone thru numerous shrinks and started carrying my list of drugs that didn’t work because the docs never listened. One dr almost killed me by prescribing the wrong stuff when I clearly told him what I couldn’t take.

Not so with Dr. Kron, he actually listens and is unbelievably knowledgeable. I have PTSD and depression and believe it or not, I am now having positive thoughts again and feeling hopeful and less malleable by my anxiety.

There are not enough stars for giving someone a life back! Thanks Dr. Kron.

Dr. Gersho

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Dr. Michael Kron is as good as it gets…

As a clinical psychologist, it is always a challenge to find a competent psychiatrist to refer to. I have referred my clients to Dr. Kron for years.

The feedback my clients have given me has been uniformly consistently positive. They have not only been impressed with his skillful ability to prescribe the right medication at the right dose, but have been VERY pleasantly surprised how much time he devotes to them in every meeting. They have found him to be very kind, warm and compassionate. As a result, I refer ALL clients in need to Dr. Kron. It really makes ME look good by doing so!

A.M. ~Berkeley, Ca.

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I was a little hesitant to see Mike. I was wary of paying out of pocket for someone I knew little about. However, I had been given the run around so much by my HMO, I felt I had little to loose. After seeing him, I have faith in doctors once again.

He took the time to actually ask me about my history, my symptoms, my family, and really tie the pieces of the puzzle together. He didn’t just read the standard diagnosis for ADHD straight out of a parenting magazine like most doctors seem to.

He also explored other areas such as sleep apnea, options to lower my blood pressure, and even offered to call my general practitioner at my HMO. How many psychiatrists will be that thorough?

Bottom line, if you want results from a really intelligent psychiatrist that will take the time to figure out what is really wrong, call him.

Richard B. ~Oakland, Ca.

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Dr. Kron is a colleague whom I hold in the highest regard. He is an expert in the field of psychiatry and he is a wonderful person. I’m really pleased that he now has a private practice in the Bay Area.

I first heard about Dr. Kron a few years ago when I asked my colleagues whom they would recommend for my patients with medication needs (as a psychologist I don’t prescribe medications). He was consistently mentioned as the psychiatrist they trusted with their patients’ care. Since then I’ve learned that they were right about his skills and knowledge, that he is a truly a caring and compassionate person, and that he has a great sense of humor.

Patients have described him as down to earth, caring, unhurried and smart. He is known to be a great listener who treats patients as equal partners in all treatment recommendations.

I will never hesitate to refer patients in need of psychiatric care to Dr. Kron. I know that they will receive the best, and most current, care available and will be treated with the utmost respect. He has my 5+ star rating.

Susan K. ~Orinda, Ca.

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“Don’t be afraid to seek help. If you are reading this review, you might be seeking a psychiatrist for the first time, or looking for a new one. My training as a Registered Nurse helped me track down a physician who is exceptional-Dr. Kron. I highly recommend him.

He has knowledge in neurological and psychiatric disorders in all populations, from geriatrics to children. In addition, he really understands medications and how to use them effectively.
I was diagnosed about fifteen years ago with adult ADHD about the same time my children were diagnosed. My treatment for adult ADHD started then too – but truly, it was not sufficient. I continued to experience daily struggles with the problematic symptoms from ADHD, causing me stress and affecting all areas of my life including unsatisfactory relationships.

I began treatment for ADHD and anxiety with Dr. Kron in January 2010 and I’m glad I did.
I am about three months into my treatment and there is marked improvement of the ADHD symptoms that troubled me daily for most of my life. I am also experiencing relief from anxiety that frequently accompanies ADHD.

I use the ADHD rating scales that he provided to help me keep track or my symptoms. They are used to see the effectiveness of the medications. Every visit to Dr. Kron feels important – he doesn’t make you wait, he doesn’t rush you and the questions he asks prompt you to reveal more information. He tailors an individual treatment plan just for you. What I find most reassuring is that he really seems to care about the patient, and how effective the treatment is. He wants to hear from you if you have a question, concern or have a new problem.

Dr. Kron’s fees are reasonable for the service and expertise provided.

I am grateful to him for my new sense of well being, one with less distractions and impulsiveness.”

Cory D. ~Berkeley, Ca.

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“I met Dr. Kron during an ADD drug study, and I always enjoyed my time with him. Throughout the study, I never felt like initials in a binder or a nameless white mouse. I never felt rushed or brushed off. I was never made to feel like anything less than a valued patient and during our one-on-one sessions his concern, understanding and complete focus made me feel like I was the most important person he could possibly be talking to at that moment. His sense of humor and calming personality made him very easy to talk to. When the matter at hand is a mental problem, feeling comfortable enough to be able to communicate easily in spite of embarrassment, social-stigma, confusion, depression or anxiety is incredibly important for effective diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Kron did this for me effortlessly. He was incredibly professional and thorough in his work, and any question I had, whether out of curiosity or concern, was answered in a way I could understand.

Something that never failed to amaze me was how perceptive he was when it came to what I was saying. By virtue of his professional experience or perhaps just a unique mind he always seemed to “get me”. This is no small feat, and I suspect this is not something teachable in even the finest medical schools. Depending on what mental quirk is being discussed, it could be as difficult and inexact as trying to reproduce Picasso’s Guernica by reading a letter about it or as seemingly-impossible as trying to explain “purple” to a blind person. No one else can truly understand how the world looks and feels in any brain but their own, but Dr. Kron was almost always able to give me feedback that let me know he was seeing the picture in my head that my inexact words might’ve failed if I was talking to someone else.

His compassion, care and concern are unmistakably genuine and in a society where attitudes of “not my problem” and “come back when you have insurance” are far more common than they should be, Dr. Kron is the antithesis of all that I find irksome or heart-breaking in medicine. He continues to write prescriptions for an effective and life-changing medication, which he helped me get for free from the drug company. On top of this, he also continues to monitor my health and progress.

I certainly cannot say Dr. Michael Kron is a typical psychiatrist, but I can say that typical psychiatrists would be better off being more like Dr. Kron. From little things like his prompt returning of emails to important things like feeling unrushed and cared-for while he’s working with me, I cannot think of anything I’ve experienced so far that didn’t make me think “hey, this is exactly what a doctor should be like.”

“Satisfied Customer”

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Mike is a superb doc. He will listen, take it in, check what he heard to make sure you’re on the same page, and then recommend his best options for you to choose, based upon ample information. He’ll make you an expert client so you can see less skilled docs any time in the future and still be able to direct them to the right treatment. He loves it when you catch on to what he has to share.

Good guy!

Steve E. ~Berkeley, Ca.

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I’m a medical professional and like many medical professionals I’ve been managing my own illness for decades. Why?

Doctors of Psychiatry should (above all other doctors) at least be 1) kind and show empathy and 2) know what they are doing. My experience has been they aren’t and they don’t. That’s why people (like me) learn to avoid them, but end up suffering without knowing what can take the pain away. Even the upper echelon academic folks I’ve seen have one view of things and that’s basically their one trick (with exceptions of course but I haven’t met the exceptions.).

Mike Kron delivers a different experience. I agree with these two women reviewers who have been seeing him for several years each and say he’s outdone their prior experiences with Psychiatry folks. He usually “goes with me” when I have my own ideas of what I’d like to try next and he really takes ownership and embellishes the plan so that it works out the best, with the least amount of side effects. He is also quick to sort out what’s going to get way worse either very quickly or get worse by sneaking up and ruining my month if I were to come off something I shouldn’t and then find myself with relapse of depression later. He’s sharp and he’s kind. He runs things off of his cellphone, which means he is accessible and he cares way more about you being able to reach him than most doctors with layers of help to keep you from seeing more than their face only when you meet them and then only see their signature on the rx’s that you have to get from their MA’s or RN’s. I have a similar approach to Mike’s since I also like hearing if a patient has a question or a need before it becomes a problem. Honestly that heads things off before trouble and that’s the whole point, isn’t it? I’m keeping this doc and I don’t mind sharing.


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Very smart he lets you talk instead of trying to tell you what’s wrong with you and pushing you out of the office with an rx. He likes you to provide any info you think will help the two of you to pick the right direction (even if you think it’s silly–he always wants to hear and he absolutely doesn’t judge you). You leave his office feeling better even before you start on any medicine. He carries his cellphone so no paging and wondering how long before you can hear back and tell him what’s going on. Either he answers your call immediately(!) or you leave a message and he calls back, already thinking what to do based upon your message. Glad I found him.

Cheryl S. ~Berkeley, Ca.

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I have known Dr. Kron for eight years, so I can say clearly: I know the guy. Over the years he’s given me a lot of advice on everything from sleep to pain, even to communicating with surgeons and other doctors so I get the best care they have to offer. He has also helped my friends and a couple family members through difficult times. They all think he’s great. What can I say except I feel very confident in him. I’m a big believer that your doctor should be compassionate and caring. He is. His diagnostic skills are sharp but thank God he cares more about getting good results for you instead of obsessing endlessly on diagnosis beyond where it actually matters. He is thorough when examining both physical and chemical issues and he will try multiple approaches to help his patients get on to a path of healing. If something is not working he will try something else.

It’s clear that Dr. Kron cares about his patients. He listens thoughtfully and he offers clear explanations. He is also superbly trained and makes sure he always knows the absolute latest on which treatments work and which don’t. These are truly rare qualities to find together in a doctor.

Greg C. ~Walnut Creek, Ca.

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“I’ll start with the cliches: Mike Kron is a doctor who is truly passionate about what he does. He’s incredibly knowledgeable and respected. He’s genuinely interested in helping the patient, and not about getting you out of his office in a timely manner.

I have to assume he treats every patient as well as he treated me. And while I haven’t seen as many psychiatrists over the years as others may have (maybe 5 or 6), I can say that he is the most friendly and accommodating. My previous doctor was the type who greeted you with a warm smile, say you down, and nodded and said “uh-huh…” while he scribbled out your bill and prescription, paying no mind to what you had to say, and ushering you on your way. Mike on the other hand actually wants to know that what he’s prescribing is working; that you are satisfied with him; that you are healthy. It’s odd to think that this is unusual for a doctor – unfortunately, most of us know that it is.

In the interest of neutrality, I will point out one caveat with Dr. Kron: He does not accept any insurance (as of now, anyway). This didn’t matter to me as I don’t have it anyway, but there are those of you who would pass on this basis. Suck it up, pay his very reasonable rate, and get real treatment. There is an undeniable benefit to seeing a doctor who is NOT part of the insurance system: They have a much greater devotion to the patient.”

Bob M. ~Berkeley, Ca.

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I worked with MIchael as his patient for about 5 years at Kaiser. I came seeking medication that would help slow my reactiveness, particularly quickness to anger. Over time, it seemed that the problem was actually rooted more in the inability to maintain focus. Michael was extremely open, listened very carefully, and was cautious and prudent in a way I found reassuring about what medication he prescribed.

I particularly appreciated the fact that he treated me as a peer in age and life experience. He took my description of what was bothering me; my thoughts on what lay at the root; and my own previous experience with psychiatric work into careful consideration in suggesting a prescription. He allowed and invited considerable back and forth in the process. He was extremely clear in explaining what could be expected of the medication—and what could not, and about the time it would take to see results. He was receptive to modifying dosage, and, when it proved advisable, to changing the medication in a new direction.

I couldn’t recommend him more highly.

Gail N. ~Berkeley, Ca.

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I worked with Dr. Kron for five years when he was at Kaiser Oakland, he helped me with anxiety and depression, his relaxed and calm manner was something that I could always rely on. He helped me through a very difficult time in my life’s was always honest and easy to talk with. I miss him and am still searching for a replacement doctor at Kaiser that is as receptive and listens to what I have to say as Dr. Kron. I think that he is caring and quite easy to work with!

Good luck in your research and with your private practice! You’re a great doc!

Peter K. ~Berkeley, Ca.

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Update: Jan 21, 2010: In the past couple of weeks, one of my children was experiencing debilitating stress and fatigue from circumstances at work. As parents, we tried our best to encourage him to persevere, but it became apparent that he needed to get professional help- and we turned to Dr. Kron. After one lengthy session, our son came home with a much brighter outlook, a clear understanding of his condition, and some ultra-helpful recommendations for short-term actions to take. Dr. Kron is that rarest kind of physician; he makes you feel comfortable from the outset, and that comfort translates into a strong sense of trust. We trust him with our children, they have no reservations about calling him for help, and he treats them effectively. I’d like to finish by saying that I’ve been to many physicians and specialists in my lifetime, and Dr. Kron is the only one I’ve made the effort to recognize, online, in this manner. What follows is an earlier post I made about Dr. Kron:

Both of our now-grown kids were diagnosed years ago with ADD, and we’ve taken them to various doctors and clinics to manage their symptoms. Invariably, treatment consisted of a quick, superficial interview by the psychiatrist, a quick check for allergies to meds, and then the prescription would be given. The two previous docs seemed singularly uncurious about how ADD was affecting important aspects of our children’s lives, from schoolwork to social problems. We never left their offices with any substantive recommmendations or suggestions from the doctor. Now that both children are in the work force, we decided to set up an evaluation with Dr. Kron. What a refreshing difference- he’s smart, funny, engaging, and my son and daughter really felt comfortable with him from the outset. He spent a much longer time with them during the first appointment- it seemed like more than two hours! His fee was very reasonable, especially compared to the other psychiatrist we’ve been paying for, on a quarterly basis, for years. I took some time to chat with Dr. Kron myself, more to gain some assurance that he cares about my kids, etc. I came away with a wonderful impression- he’s an Ivy-League educated, articulate, insightful, empathetic psychiatrist with whom we will definitely continue our relationship.

Nomi L. ~Oakland, Ca.

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I couldn’t agree with Peter K. (the first reviewer) more. I was a patient of Dr. Kron’s for almost six years. I found him to be knowledgeable, responsive, kind, and compassionate. I’d easily rank him the best of all the psychiatrists I’ve seen. More than once he went the extra mile for me. I would not hesitate to recommend Dr. Kron to a friend or relative.

In short, the guy is great. He needs to be cloned.