Yibo Z. ~University City, San Diego, Ca.

Posted on

Dr. Kron is a doctor who is TRULY devoted to help people get better and feel better! Me and my husband had a week long fight and we are thinking about divorce. Then, he called Dr. Kron and told him its an emergency. We got an appointment the next day. He spent one hour on the phone with us and then four hours in person on the same day evening. Can you Image a popular psychiatrist spends five hours talking with you when you are having a crisis? And he charged us a rate that’s not even fair to him as a psychiatrist because he didn’t want to increase our financial burden. (I’m unemployed and going to need therapy help.) Overall, he is the best. Lucky to have him!

Brandon Z. ~Lafayette, Ca.

Posted on

I have just started working with Dr. Kron and he is by far the best psychiatrist I know of. He takes time to listen and care, at my first appointment he spent an extra 45 minutes just conversing and getting to know me and attempting to help me out on my career path as a college student. He is extremely able at his profession, and does it out of a passion for dealing with patients, making you feel comfortable and connected to him.

Mary C. ~Clayton, Ca.

Posted on

Dr. Kron is wonderful! He has helped my husband a great deal.
Dr. Kron really knows what he’s doing, is a good listener and really CARES. That’s not easy to find.
Thank you Dr. Kron and Nann (his assistant). 🙂

Ruth Ann L. ~Oakland, Ca.

Posted on

Mike Kron, the super star. It is with bitter sweet emotions that we leave this review. My son has been seeing Mike for the last 2-1/2 years. Now that he’s totally off meds, and doing great, don’t need to see Mike any more. It is under Mike’s guidance and expert prescriptions that transformed a troubled teen into a successful young man. My son graduated high school with a 2.5 GPA, now with 1 more semester to go in a very challenging top art school, he’s maintaining a 3.9 GPA. No more depression or paranoia and able to realize emotions when they arise and know how to cope. Not so long ago, Mike said “I hope to be a distant and pleasant memory for you”; we didn’t realize that it would be so soon. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Evan D. ~San Francisco, Ca.

Posted on

As a health care professional myself, I don’t take Doctor’s credentials and reviews as proof of their skill or knowledge. I like to decide that myself. And let me tell you… I have encountered PLENTY of thoroughly unqualified practitioners in the most unlikely and unexpected places:
– On staff at top notch hospitals.
– Marching authoritatively through sleek, professional, expensively done offices in a perfectly starched, pristine white coats.
– Running intimate, successful private practices, in affluent and discerning communities.
There are a lot of things that make a Doctor successful, and ability to actually heal is not high on that list. It’s just the way it is. Subsequently, it was not surprising that I had been attempting to find a solution to my depression and overall despondency for quite some time. I had been to several different, “qualified” specialists over the course of roughly 15 years, and was really beginning to think that I was going to be one of those people that battles inner demons for their entire life… only finding peace and well being by exiting this mortal coil. Usually prematurely and by their own doing.

We all know where this is going. Dr. Kron takes a very long time during the first meeting. That is also something I do with my patients. Very few practitioners do this these days. Patients in general do not want to be there. And time inside any business, medical offices not exempt, is money. However, what separates a good Doctor from the alternative is quite simply: Diagnosis. Making the diagnosis is akin to cracking the code! Once you understand what is wrong with a person, the rest is almost trial, error, and protocol. But the difficulty lies in not only taking the time, but also, as I said, being good at what you do. Being able to soak in all of this information. Weed out what is important, and what is not. Pay attention to body language and posture. Learn from the past Doctor’s mistakes. And finally, take all of this and process it using the vast ocean of knowledge you have amassed through both study and experience, and find the missing link. And this is all what transpired on my first visit with Dr. Kron.

He is extremely well trained, but more importantly it is obvious that he is a dynamic entity. Constantly learning and adapting his previous beliefs. Not afraid to go where other’s haven’t. He is completely down to earth and candid. He will put you at complete and total ease from the moment you shake hands. And he will most likely have you part ways in a vastly superior state of mind and hope than when your encounter first begun.

He doesn’t take insurance, but you are honestly not going to find someone this good on your plan. When it comes to things like mental health, insurance’s take is very nuts and bolts. Basically: “Either your depressed, addicted, or psychotic. Go to a program.” The pay for their mental health care practitioners is a joke. And the way most systems are networked and constructed will not allow you to thoroughly explore the possibilities of ailments or treatments.

This guy really knows what he is doing and to boot, HE REALLY GENUINELY CARES! He goes the extra mile at every opportunity. I was seriously lucky that I found him and I must admit, the Yelp reviews that I had read were a big part of that. So I didn’t mean to say that reviews are meaningless. It’s just that they don’t ALWAYS pay off. This one most certainly did.

Jason W. ~Walnut Creek, Ca.

Posted on

I started seeing Dr. Kron about 6 weeks ago, and this review is long overdue already. I’m 29 and just realized I have most of the symptoms of ADHD, and these have been a major hindrance in my life. So after reading about treatment of ADHD, I was cautiously optimistic. I really lucked out when I found Dr. Kron though because I seriously doubt there could be anybody better. He saw me for about 3 hours on my first visit, and really got a detailed picture of my life and my symptoms. After diagnosing me with severe ADHD, he got me medications for cheap and one even completely free through the company that makes them. The one that I get for free has really started to change me for the better. I just went back to see Dr. Kron yesterday and was re-evaluated. Almost every single one of my symptoms has been curbed. It’s amazing to be in a conversation with someone and not be distracted with some other thought now! I can wake up in the morning and do the things that need to be done, instead of feeling so lethargic and anhedonic.

I still have a ways to go and hope to continue to make great progress. There’s so much more that can be said about Dr. Kron. He’s probably not for everybody, and I can see why he either has one star reviews or 5 star reviews. You wouldn’t guess he’s an Ivy League educated doctor if you met him on the street, because he’s just a cool guy. He takes the time to see the big picture and actually cares about making a positive difference in others’ lives and isn’t all about the money like I’m sure some doctors are. As long as Dr. Kron is in practice here in the East Bay, I probably won’t move anywhere else, that’s how good of a doctor he is.

Laura S. ~El Cerrito, Ca.

Posted on

Dr. Michael Kron is a wonderful, smart, caring, astute psychiatrist. He spent a really long time with me for the initial assessment.

Before seeing him I filled out some questionnaires and even with that his personal touches somehow made me feel like if I disclosed to him truthfully that he was trustworthy.

I immediately liked him..he has a nice trustworthy face and earnest demeanor and really worked hard to come up with an extremely accurate picture of me…with his questions unearthing things that I had forgotten.

Dr Kron is an excellent diagnostician. I feel very comfortable recommending clients to him and going to him myself. His invisible but invaluable assistant Nan is super nice and helpful as well. I feel very lucky to have found him.

Bill S. ~Hayward, Ca.

Posted on

I have been a patient of Dr. Krons since he was with Kaiser in Oakland years ago. I was shocked to see a bad review about this physician so I thought an update was in order.

I have been suffering with Depression, anxiety, hypochondriasis yeah I am pretty screwed up LOL and Dr. Kron has always been by my side through the real tough times especially this year which by far has been the worse. I saw him a little over a week ago and he spent one and a half hours with me because he saw how distraught I was. Mind you I only had a thirty minute appointment scheduled.

I was very fortunate it that day that no one was scheduled after me and one person did not show. He spent the whole time talking reassuring me I was going to be fine and trying to find a med that we never tried which is tough because I have side effect issues with most meds. And was shocked at the end that he did not charge me for the time he spent I guarantee you another Doctor would have ran off to lunch.

I cannot and will never be able to say enough about him AND his wonderful assistant Nan. Even though I have never met Nan she is on top of everything and so pleasant to speak with and calming. She always gets me in when I need and is quick to get refills called in.

Well, enough said between the both of them you cannot go wrong. I am glad I have Dr. Kron on my team. With him and the rest of my Doctors I feel confident I can get through anything.

Thanks again to Dr. Kron and Nan for being there all these years. You to are the best.

Will Silveria

Drew M. ~Berkeley, Ca.

Posted on

I cannot agree more with Anthony and all the other positive reviewers – Dr. Kron is the man!

Five minutes into our conversation, it was abundantly clear that he has enormous expertise in his field, particularly in the realm of psycho-pharmacology. Moreover, he’s extremely compassionate: I’m a student, so money is a bit tight, and the medication I take is rather expensive. He turned me on to a program that the manufacturer runs that offers assistance to people with limited incomes – I had never heard of the program before, but I left his office with everything I needed to enroll in it and I now get my medication for free. Then, at the end of our session he offered to write me a three-month prescription, presumably so I wouldn’t have to pay for three separate office visits.

I really can’t say enough about this guy, or about how appreciative I am that doctors like him are still around.

Thanks Dr. Kron!

Mamtaz C. ~Berkeley, Ca.

Posted on

Such a Wonderful Doctor. I am disagree with Lauran & David. He proved his Good Job with my Friend he is Awsome Doctor. My Friend was Addicted with Drug . This is the Doctor ,he Graduly take off Medicine For Anxiety & Dipression. When he is Talking ,Patients are Feeling very Well… I was with my Friend one time. Such a Amazing Doctor. Truly I Sugested this Doctor, when you see him ,you are Cured half of….

Kyle T. ~Pleasant Hill, Ca.

Posted on

Dr. Kron is an amazing doctor. He’ll spend the time to get to know you and his evaluations for new patients lasts two hours! His assistant was very helpful in scheduling the appointment. They both were very flexible with options as I waited for my medical records from Kaiser. His office is warm and inviting. Dr. Kron is a very candid person. He gave me all sorts of references for affordable programs (CBT and DBT) in the area which (after doing my own research) have great reputations!

All around, I feel like he took a considerable amount of time to get to know me and my struggles. He took into consideration what my previous treatment plan and diagnosis was and then walked me through his thoughts in detail until we came up with a plan that fit well for me. He is also very good at speaking in lay terms. I would highly recommend him.

Carin C.

Posted on

Provided by Angie’s List AAAA

Use this Provider Again: Yes

Description of Experience: Dr. Michael Kron is my psychiatrist.

Member Comments: He is very astute and really listens to what your situation is. He is very up to date on the latest medications. He is very sensitive, caring, and the best psychiatrist I have ever met.

Overall A
Availability A
Office Environment A
Punctuality A
Staff Friendliness A
Bedside Manner A
Communication A
Effectiveness of Treatment A
Billing and Administration A

Q M ~Albany, Ca.

Posted on

Dr. Michael Kron, MD is one of the best doctors I have had treatment from. Both, professionally and personally, he is remarkable and outstanding. His fine human qualities, polite manners, courteous interactions with the patients, and professional skills and abilities – all make him one of the rarest doctors in his field of treatment and practice. He, always (most conscientiously), puts patients’ well being at the top of (from) all other issues. He is an asset for the community and the country. He is a doctor, brilliantly competent in modern medical science, with the graces of Hippocrates and famous doctors and clinicians. I wish him all the best.

Q. Mamoon

Alexis C ~Berkeley, Ca.

Posted on

Dr. Kron is pretty much the best doctor I have seen in my life. It has been a major struggle to find the right treatment for my particular needs and biological sensitivities, and Dr. Kron is the first person I have found who has had the patience, compassion, and persistence to find what really works for me. And he has done so with the utmost professionalism and kindness. He has also been extremely understanding and resourceful in working with my financial situation to help me gain access to treatments that would be impossible to obtain otherwise.

A few of his many talents:
-warm, approachable manner that immediately puts you at ease
-works with you to choose among options, rather than using a top down approach
-takes time to explain things and answer all your questions and concerns
-both he and his Office Manager respond quickly to all communications
-unmistakable dedication to helping people feel better, not just making money
-holds hope for you when you have next to none
I recommend him without reservation.

Victoria P. ~San Francisco, CA

Posted on

What do you write about a physician who extended himself to help you and saved your life in so many ways? There is no way I can ever thank him enough for what he has done for me. When u suffer form agoraphobia, finding treatment is very tricky. I looked for a very long time before I found Dr. Kron. I came upon him as I finally just googled. I saw his reviews and I thought I will call. With this condition it was not as if I could just set up an appointment and go in. That’s the nature of this condition. He worked with me, helped me, and took me on. I was at the end of my rope when he did. I am grateful to him and blessed to have found him. He is compassionate, caring, his crudentials are excellent. I needed to make sure he was not too good to be true, he wasn’t. He also encouraged me to pursue CBT therapy and I did. I could not have pursued anything if he did not stick with me and make me feel finally that there was a light at the end of the tunnel. I am in recovery now, thanks so much to Dr. Kron. His mild mannered way and his ability to understand the patient’s suffering is not common in our society today. Five stars is not enough. I reccomend him wholeheartedly.

John G. ~Pleasant Hill, Ca.

Posted on

Dr. Kron is, as the rating suggests, among the best there is. With a wry wit and an easy manner he brings the science of modern, medication based psych medicine down to earth.

He is a great example to medical students and other providers as well of what Independent, non-insurance based medical practice can be.

Rob R. ~Dublin, Ca.

Posted on

Dr. Kron is a humane, caring, personable doctor. He’ll determine your dosage in a few days compared to most doctors that take three months. Dr Kron is open to different therapies and drugs and is willing to try different drug combinations that work for you. He’s the type of person you’d like as your next door neighbor. I find myself chatting with him, like a friend, after the session is over.

Ruth Ann L. ~Oakland, Ca.

Posted on

Michael Kron was very instrumental in addressing my late teen son’s psychiatric problems. He is kind, knows how to address the issues and a little quirky in a charming way. Michael really helped my son get dialed in the right direction with the right meds and dosage. As he said “Stay with the program and get well, I want to be a distant memory in your future.”

Thanks Michael, you’ve really made a difference in the year and a half we’ve been seeing you.

Sarah B. ~Berkeley, Ca.

Posted on

I had the good fortune to be treated by Dr. Kron while he was a psychiatrist at Kaiser Permanente, Oakland. He diagnosed my major depression, anxiety disorder and ADD…all untreated for decades and which had resulted in low self-esteem, chronic mood swings, learning difficulties and finally a breakdown.

He prescribed medications that helped balance my conditions. Finding the right combination of medications can be difficult, but he encouraged me to share my symptoms and fears, because he gained crucial insights into ways he could better help me.

I was able to progress to talk therapy and also to classes that helped change my behavior and reactions for the better. The outside world no longer feels threatening because I understand myself, know my strengths, and feel I have tools to cope with difficulties when they come up.

Dr. Kron has an understated manner that made me feel extraordinarily safe. He has a gift for turning complex issues inside out using kindness and humor as guiding principles, all the while grounded in the best clinical practices psychiatry and psychopharmacology have to offer.

Penny B. ~Oakland, Ca.

Posted on

I guess you could call me an academic snob. Whenever I am looking for a physician I spend a great deal of time looking for the Best there is; in this case I was searching for a psychiatrist for my husband. I wasn’t just going to throw him out to the wolves (because it’s happened before), so I googled “best psychiatrist in San Francisco” and up came Dr. Kron.

I wasn’t done yet…..then I scoured his credentials to make sure he went to a top notch school because not just anyone can get into these institutions right? Next, I was determined to find out about his effectiveness and read numerous comments on several websites. Hmmmm, maybe it’s me that should go see Dr. Kron.

Anyway, we (my husband and myself) are uber excited about Dr. Kron. He has an amazing bedside manner, is soft spoken, gentle, compassionate and very approachable. Best of all, my husband likes him and doesn’t mind going for his visits which in the past was an issue (BTW he is doing so much better).

I recommend Dr. Kron without reservation and hope that he is still accepting new patients so you can be as lucky as we are.