Kelly P. ~Berkeley, Ca. 
I saw Dr. Kron eight years ago, back when he was at Kaiser. It was the first time I had ever seen a psychiatrist who listened to me. I’m not exaggerating; I had one doctor answer a phone call and give detailed information on the treatment of a juvenile patient right in front of me; I’ve had others scoff at me, or look at me blankly. Although I’d taken an antidepressant in my teens that worked wonders, no new doctor would give it to me, and I was on a plethora of meds with nasty side effects and no significant improvement. Dr. Kron didn’t waste time; he got me back on the right medication and it has been a lifesaver all these years later. He’s very perceptive and candid, and funny as well. Mostly, though, he is very kind, an invaluable quality in a mental health provider.