Greg C. ~Walnut Creek, Ca. 
“I’ll start with the cliches: Mike Kron is a doctor who is truly passionate about what he does. He’s incredibly knowledgeable and respected. He’s genuinely interested in helping the patient, and not about getting you out of his office in a timely manner.
I have to assume he treats every patient as well as he treated me. And while I haven’t seen as many psychiatrists over the years as others may have (maybe 5 or 6), I can say that he is the most friendly and accommodating. My previous doctor was the type who greeted you with a warm smile, say you down, and nodded and said “uh-huh…” while he scribbled out your bill and prescription, paying no mind to what you had to say, and ushering you on your way. Mike on the other hand actually wants to know that what he’s prescribing is working; that you are satisfied with him; that you are healthy. It’s odd to think that this is unusual for a doctor – unfortunately, most of us know that it is.
In the interest of neutrality, I will point out one caveat with Dr. Kron: He does not accept any insurance (as of now, anyway). This didn’t matter to me as I don’t have it anyway, but there are those of you who would pass on this basis. Suck it up, pay his very reasonable rate, and get real treatment. There is an undeniable benefit to seeing a doctor who is NOT part of the insurance system: They have a much greater devotion to the patient.”