Evan D. ~San Francisco, Ca. 
As a health care professional myself, I don’t take Doctor’s credentials and reviews as proof of their skill or knowledge. I like to decide that myself. And let me tell you… I have encountered PLENTY of thoroughly unqualified practitioners in the most unlikely and unexpected places:
– On staff at top notch hospitals.
– Marching authoritatively through sleek, professional, expensively done offices in a perfectly starched, pristine white coats.
– Running intimate, successful private practices, in affluent and discerning communities.
There are a lot of things that make a Doctor successful, and ability to actually heal is not high on that list. It’s just the way it is. Subsequently, it was not surprising that I had been attempting to find a solution to my depression and overall despondency for quite some time. I had been to several different, “qualified” specialists over the course of roughly 15 years, and was really beginning to think that I was going to be one of those people that battles inner demons for their entire life… only finding peace and well being by exiting this mortal coil. Usually prematurely and by their own doing.
We all know where this is going. Dr. Kron takes a very long time during the first meeting. That is also something I do with my patients. Very few practitioners do this these days. Patients in general do not want to be there. And time inside any business, medical offices not exempt, is money. However, what separates a good Doctor from the alternative is quite simply: Diagnosis. Making the diagnosis is akin to cracking the code! Once you understand what is wrong with a person, the rest is almost trial, error, and protocol. But the difficulty lies in not only taking the time, but also, as I said, being good at what you do. Being able to soak in all of this information. Weed out what is important, and what is not. Pay attention to body language and posture. Learn from the past Doctor’s mistakes. And finally, take all of this and process it using the vast ocean of knowledge you have amassed through both study and experience, and find the missing link. And this is all what transpired on my first visit with Dr. Kron.
He is extremely well trained, but more importantly it is obvious that he is a dynamic entity. Constantly learning and adapting his previous beliefs. Not afraid to go where other’s haven’t. He is completely down to earth and candid. He will put you at complete and total ease from the moment you shake hands. And he will most likely have you part ways in a vastly superior state of mind and hope than when your encounter first begun.
He doesn’t take insurance, but you are honestly not going to find someone this good on your plan. When it comes to things like mental health, insurance’s take is very nuts and bolts. Basically: “Either your depressed, addicted, or psychotic. Go to a program.” The pay for their mental health care practitioners is a joke. And the way most systems are networked and constructed will not allow you to thoroughly explore the possibilities of ailments or treatments.
This guy really knows what he is doing and to boot, HE REALLY GENUINELY CARES! He goes the extra mile at every opportunity. I was seriously lucky that I found him and I must admit, the Yelp reviews that I had read were a big part of that. So I didn’t mean to say that reviews are meaningless. It’s just that they don’t ALWAYS pay off. This one most certainly did.