Drew M. ~Berkeley, Ca. 
I cannot agree more with Anthony and all the other positive reviewers – Dr. Kron is the man!
Five minutes into our conversation, it was abundantly clear that he has enormous expertise in his field, particularly in the realm of psycho-pharmacology. Moreover, he’s extremely compassionate: I’m a student, so money is a bit tight, and the medication I take is rather expensive. He turned me on to a program that the manufacturer runs that offers assistance to people with limited incomes – I had never heard of the program before, but I left his office with everything I needed to enroll in it and I now get my medication for free. Then, at the end of our session he offered to write me a three-month prescription, presumably so I wouldn’t have to pay for three separate office visits.
I really can’t say enough about this guy, or about how appreciative I am that doctors like him are still around.
Thanks Dr. Kron!