Qazi T. ~San Francisco, Ca. 
Dr. Michael J. Kron is one of the best doctors that I have had the opportunity to receive treatment from for the last 8 years. He is highly professional and competent as a doctor; and most humane and gracious as an individual. He is always patient and empathetic; he is an asset of the society that we live in. I am certain you, the reader, will be one with me in that the past brings us many gifts; indeed, all that we have today of culture, civilization, science, and knowledge of some aspects of the truth, is a gift of the distant or recent past to us. In the same tune the treatments that I received from Dr. Kron for the past so many years are the gifts which I could not have received without his professional expertise and human virtues. Further, it is curious how sometimes a relatively minor event impresses one more than a major happening. Trivial words or gestures are apt to reveal an individual far more than his studied poses and utterances. So is true with Dr. Kron; his spontaneous attitudes and interactions with the patients bring out the best and rare attributes in him which are rarely found in others. During the periods of difficulty, storm, and stress in my life I have found not only a proficient doctor in him, but, also a sympathizing friend. I wish him all the best.