Iris G. ~Walnut Creek, Ca. 
I wrote a review for Dr Kron years ago and since then, I’ve unfortunately have had the universe dump numerous physical as well as emotional bombs on my family and myself. I felt it was tIme to refresh my review about the good doctor.
Dr. Kron not only has a deep understanding of psychiatric issues & medication but, he considers aspects that other psychiatrists miss such as thyroid, hormones, diabetes. through & through he’s a Biology Whiz. It’s what he eats for breakfast-lunch-dinner
Full Disclosure: I’m NOT an easy patient to diagnose. In addition to what people generally see Psychiatrists for, I have a chronic immune disorder, Fibromyalgia, and chronic pain. As if that were not enough, I flitter about in foreign countries and run out of my medications. Yep, the good doctor talked me off the ledge and helped me resolve that crisis. HE’s THAT good!
If you’re seeking a knowledgable diagnostician, look no further. At times, I’m not clear how he keeps up with my boo-hoo regarding every medication I try. I suppose keeping meticulous records helps in addition to being a brainiac as well as a compassionate doctor. Don’t tell him I said so, it might go to his head.
Most recently, I advised him that I wanted to stop taking a medication that after 12 years, I was certain not effective for me any longer. After having the what/why/when chat, he appeared satisfied with my decision and respectfully set about figuring a plan to support me through the process. That dear friends makes for a great psychiatrist and humanitarian.
What makes his office buzz with efficiency and good karma is Nan, his Senior Office manager. She’s prompt with call.-backs, current on medicine changes/dos She’s THE BOMB!
What I’m trying to say is that the Dr Kron is passionate about his patients and goes the extra mile and so it stands to reason that Nan, his super-hero assistant keeps the balls up in the air with flare!
I just wish he didn’t work so hard, we will need him for the long haul
Pace yourself Dr Kron!