Sarah B. ~Berkeley, Ca. 
I had the good fortune to be treated by Dr. Kron while he was a psychiatrist at Kaiser Permanente, Oakland. He diagnosed my major depression, anxiety disorder and ADD…all untreated for decades and which had resulted in low self-esteem, chronic mood swings, learning difficulties and finally a breakdown.
He prescribed medications that helped balance my conditions. Finding the right combination of medications can be difficult, but he encouraged me to share my symptoms and fears, because he gained crucial insights into ways he could better help me.
I was able to progress to talk therapy and also to classes that helped change my behavior and reactions for the better. The outside world no longer feels threatening because I understand myself, know my strengths, and feel I have tools to cope with difficulties when they come up.
Dr. Kron has an understated manner that made me feel extraordinarily safe. He has a gift for turning complex issues inside out using kindness and humor as guiding principles, all the while grounded in the best clinical practices psychiatry and psychopharmacology have to offer.