Bob M. ~Berkeley, Ca. 
I worked with MIchael as his patient for about 5 years at Kaiser. I came seeking medication that would help slow my reactiveness, particularly quickness to anger. Over time, it seemed that the problem was actually rooted more in the inability to maintain focus. Michael was extremely open, listened very carefully, and was cautious and prudent in a way I found reassuring about what medication he prescribed.
I particularly appreciated the fact that he treated me as a peer in age and life experience. He took my description of what was bothering me; my thoughts on what lay at the root; and my own previous experience with psychiatric work into careful consideration in suggesting a prescription. He allowed and invited considerable back and forth in the process. He was extremely clear in explaining what could be expected of the medication—and what could not, and about the time it would take to see results. He was receptive to modifying dosage, and, when it proved advisable, to changing the medication in a new direction.
I couldn’t recommend him more highly.