Peter K. ~Berkeley, Ca. 
Update: Jan 21, 2010: In the past couple of weeks, one of my children was experiencing debilitating stress and fatigue from circumstances at work. As parents, we tried our best to encourage him to persevere, but it became apparent that he needed to get professional help- and we turned to Dr. Kron. After one lengthy session, our son came home with a much brighter outlook, a clear understanding of his condition, and some ultra-helpful recommendations for short-term actions to take. Dr. Kron is that rarest kind of physician; he makes you feel comfortable from the outset, and that comfort translates into a strong sense of trust. We trust him with our children, they have no reservations about calling him for help, and he treats them effectively. I’d like to finish by saying that I’ve been to many physicians and specialists in my lifetime, and Dr. Kron is the only one I’ve made the effort to recognize, online, in this manner. What follows is an earlier post I made about Dr. Kron:
Both of our now-grown kids were diagnosed years ago with ADD, and we’ve taken them to various doctors and clinics to manage their symptoms. Invariably, treatment consisted of a quick, superficial interview by the psychiatrist, a quick check for allergies to meds, and then the prescription would be given. The two previous docs seemed singularly uncurious about how ADD was affecting important aspects of our children’s lives, from schoolwork to social problems. We never left their offices with any substantive recommmendations or suggestions from the doctor. Now that both children are in the work force, we decided to set up an evaluation with Dr. Kron. What a refreshing difference- he’s smart, funny, engaging, and my son and daughter really felt comfortable with him from the outset. He spent a much longer time with them during the first appointment- it seemed like more than two hours! His fee was very reasonable, especially compared to the other psychiatrist we’ve been paying for, on a quarterly basis, for years. I took some time to chat with Dr. Kron myself, more to gain some assurance that he cares about my kids, etc. I came away with a wonderful impression- he’s an Ivy-League educated, articulate, insightful, empathetic psychiatrist with whom we will definitely continue our relationship.